Minna’s art practice is a mix of different mediums and styles. They work between digital art, painting, drawing, and printmaking, allowing cross-medium transformations to create something new. Their experience as a Chinese American influences their artwork and drives their passion to create. Considering themself a storyteller, they seek to build work that retells their life and culture, connecting with other Asian Americans who grew up struggling with their identity. Minna graduated from Willamette University with degrees in Studio Art and Film with a minor in Chinese in 2023. Their hometown IS Salem, Oregon BUT THEY CONSIDER Xinjiang, China, where they spent summers growing up with their grandparents, a secondary home. Their childhood Inspires the themes in Minna's artwork and they seek to investigate their cultural traditions as an adult further.
100 x 100, Salem on the Edge Gallery, Salem, OR, 2024
Oregon State Fair Fine Arts, (non-professional division), Oregon State Fairgrounds, Salem, OR, 2024
Square Foot Art Show, Art Department Supply, Salem, OR, 2024
Senior Art Thesis Exhibition, Hallie Ford Museum of Art, Salem, OR, 2022
5th Annual Juried Art Show (Juror: Shoki Tanabe), Willamette University Art Gallery, 2022
“Having a Hoot” Owls, (VSAFF) Salem Art Association, Salem, OR, 2021
3rd Annual Juried Art Show (Juror: Michael Hernandez), Willamette University Art Gallery, 2019