山城不倒 ShanChen Lane Cat Cafe was a project created from transitioning from a university to a home studio. Wanting to continue with printmaking but no longer having access to a printing press since graduating from undergrad, I experimented with woodblock printing techniques on an American easel wood panel and acrylic paint. This allowed for a more accessible means of creating artwork within a small home studio.
This photograph was taken when I visited 重庆 Chongqing, China in early 2024 for the Lunar Year Festivals. The cat is homed to a lovely cat cafe hidden within the famous 磁器口 Ciqikou Ancient Town, which you can read more about here. Unfortunately, after showcasing this piece publically, I realized I had gotten the original location wrong. 山城不倒 Shanchen Lane is another location I had visited the previous day to Ciqikou and accidentally flipped around while documenting. 
The following photographs showcase Ciqikou Ancient town:
Square Foot Art Show, Art Department Supply, Salem, OR, 2024
Oregon State Fair Fine Arts, (non-professional division), Oregon State Fairgrounds, Salem, OR, 2024

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